Thursday, 29 March 2012


1) What are the typical codes and conventions of film posters – what information does the audience expect to find?
The typical codes and conventions of film posters and information that the audience expect to find
·      To be eye catching/and captivating
·      To have the main actress /actor (famous actors/actresses)
·      Suggestion of the film genre
·      Coming soon or release date displayed
·      Have focal picture that will  be intriguing and interesting (appealing to the eye)
·      Should have a tagline
·      Age certification usually displayed
·      Large title that is clear and is easy to read
·      Would attract a target audience
·      Rest of actors/actresses
2) What is the genre of the film? Explain in detail how you figured this out. You can refer to mise-en-scene e.g. location, setting, facial expressions, body language, particular special effects, props, iconography and colour.
I would say the genre for this movie is action, drama and thriller i can figure this out because on the poster you can see a lot of action going on example an actor jumping on to something , the two main actors look very mysterious , serious and ready for a challenge perhaps they are heroes .You can also see a helicopter , a car that is about to crash or is damaged this suggest it may be a disaster being solved etc. . In the image you can also see a train that seems to be going over the speed limit , you can tell by the way the image has been presented there is like a rushing , speed effect , and it seems as if the train is destroying everything in its way , also there are two characters struggling to stay on the train , one seems as if he is about to fall this suggest it is drama and action the fact that the characters may be saving someone or something suggest it is thriller.
3) What is the suggested storyline of the film? How much can you figure out about the narrative?
The suggested storyline of the film is most likely two heroes that want to solve a problem or something i can suggest that because since the film is a action, drama and thriller and has two characters on the poster it must mean they are going to solve something or help someone as these type of movie genres always have a hero. On the image you can see a train that seems to be continuously going over the speed limit as there are rushing lines and created sparks on the road or tracks referring to the title it is also connected to the fact that the train is continuously going as the film is called (unstoppable) Perhaps the two characters that are on the train are probably trying to stop the train as one of the characters seems like he is about to fall and the other is on the roof ,There are people jumping out of the train which suggest that there may be danger in the train or perhaps about to happen to the train so they are trying to save themselves .Also you can see a helicopter which most likely suggest that it is trying to save someone or film the scene that is happening, or maybe even watch out for someone .The slogan of the film that is at the bottom in white says *1 million tons of steel , 100,000 lives at stake ,100 minutes to impact *this may suggest that the train is 1 million tons heavy, there are 100,000 lives on the train and there is only 100 minutes to save them all , this suggests that perhaps the train is not stopping and causing danger to the lives and they need to stop it as the title says *(unstoppable)* and they only have 100minutes to do so , probably because the tracks finish or something .
4) Why has the title been designed this way? What can it tell you about the film? What can the audience expect?
The title of the film has been designed this way 
Because since the film is probably about a train that is unstoppable it tries to blend in with the rush lines and the sparks that have been created as an effect for the train continuously going over thespeed limit .Also the title is sort of blends in with the colour of the train and tracks which straight away makes you think it is the train that is unstoppable , also the title has an effect of a tilted sort of way , example it is going from big to small which makes it go to the direction of the where the train is going, also this tells us that the movie is probably about the unstoppable train as the title has an effect of speed, it also sort of glows which appeals to the eye and suggest that the unstoppable continuously going over the speed limit train is the main thing in the storyline.
5) How are characters represented in the poster?. Are men and women represented in a particular way? Have stereotypes been used?
There are two characters on the poster, who are men they are presented is a very intelligent and serious way they seem quite proud and ready for a challenge
6) How is the setting represented and how does this help to suggest the genre and storyline
The setting is represented in the outside sort of like on the street or road , this suggest the genre is action,drama and thriller as mostly these type of movies are set in open air , in the outside because there is space and a lot going on!

7) Who do you think would be interested in going to see this film? Does it seem to have any unique selling points? What seems to be the main selling points (actor? Director? Special effects? Themes?)
I think that men would be the most interested to this this film as it seems like it involves a lot of action and thriller scenes. Most likely ages from 18-30. If the movie is realistic then obviously older adults will like to see it where as if it was fantasy thriller then it could be boys of younger age too.

8) Which film company produced this film? It is a major Hollywood company or an Independent company? What other films have they produced? Give examples
20th Century Fox
Is the company of the film it is a major Hollywood company. Examples of some of the other films they have made are
·      Avatar
·      In time·     
·      Another earth
·      Vampires suck
·      Night at the museum
·      Tooth fairy 

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